Leave a Lasting Impression.

Another advantage internet movies have over other forms of promotions is that they leave a lasting impression on your fans. If your fans remember your movie, they will be inclined to want what you are offering. That may be your latest music or back catalogue, merchandise, or tickets to your next gig. If they are informed, entertained, and excited by your movie, they are motivated to share that excitement with their friends, amplifying your exposure.

And that’s were return on investment comes into play. According to the Marketing Zen Group…

“On average, 12% of people going to a site that uses video to market it’s products or services…will end up buying from that site. By comparison, the “normal conversion rate” for a text-only site hovers at around 1%. So how is this huge jump in sales possible? While 65% of people watch online videos to completion, less than 10% will read a text-only site to completion. And the longer you can keep people glued to your message, the better your sales will be.”

As you consider marketing and promoting your music career with online movies, realize that there is a slim chance they’ll go viral. Instead of hoping to go viral or not using online movies at all, keep your eye on the real goal: improved communication with your fans, the opportunity to build band recognition, and increased music, merchandise, and ticket sales.

In addition, when you put your movie online, at sites like Facebook, You Tube or Vimeo, it’s easy to know how many views it’s getting — they count them for you. With a movie on your website, Google analytics can track how many viewers are seeing it and how long fans are staying on your site; the more views, the more exposure for your band. The more exposure for your band, the more you sell!

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