Online Movies Promote Your Career.

Isn’t it your dream as a musician to make music, but also your goal to have a music career? If you are not deriving an income from the music you create, than you do not have a career.

You likely use a variety of methods to promote your music: email lists, a website, word of mouth, MySpace, Facebook, and any number of other social networking sites.

You probably put your music online, write press releases, supply a bio, provide photos, or create an electronic press kit combining all of these.

All are effective and necessary ways to promote your career.

But are you harnessing the power of online movies to promote your music? In order to stay ahead of the competition, many businesses are using online movies as part of their online promotional strategy.

As a musician, there is no reason you can’t do the same to build your music career.

Using online movies as part of your overall promotional strategy has many benefits:

  • Improves search visibility for your website
  • Holds viewers on your website longer
  • Enhances your recognition
  • Increases your fan base, enhances their experience, and creates relationship
  • Generates income for your music, merchandise, and tickets

Isn’t it time to turn your dream of playing music into a full time career, or if you are already playing music full time, then turning that career up to 11?

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